Find the resources you need
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 right away.
If you are experiencing a crisis or thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8 if you have local phone number (area codes: 408, 605, or 699). Call (800) 704-0900 if your number is outside the County.
Both numbers connect you to our Call Center 24-hours a day, 7 days a week
Prefer to call?
If you need additional support in finding substance use resources, reach out to the County's Behavioral Health call center 24/7 to get connected to services.
Using alone?
Download the Brave App
The Brave App connects people using drugs alone with remote supervision and anonymous overdose support.
Call "Never Use Alone" at 877-696-1996
Never Use Alone is a hotline for overdose prevention and support. Their peer operators are available 24/7.
Supportive services
Need help with accessing food, housing, financial assistance, and more? Check out the Santa Clara County Community Resource Guide from the Social Services Agency to find useful services and support.
Resource Guide