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Post-overdose support

HRP Mike with participant

About the Post-Overdose Support Team

The Post-Overdose Support Team connects with people who have survived an overdose within the first 24-72 hours after an overdose because this is when people who use drugs are at higher risk for experiencing another overdose. By reaching out right away, Post-Overdose Support Team staff can offer education and support, to reduce the chances of another overdose. 

In addition, they also provide resources and naloxone, which saves lives. Early contact helps build trust and makes it easier for people to get the care they need to stay safe and healthy.

HRP participant receiving care

Services offered

The Post-Overdose Support Team helps prevent future overdoses by providing immediate support and life-saving services including:

  • Harm reduction supplies, such as naloxone and fentanyl testing strips.
  • Education on preventing overdoses and safer drug use.
  • Referrals to medication assisted treatment.
  • Help finding detox, outpatient care, and other services.
  • Support with housing, food, healthcare, and mental health services.
  • Testing and treatment for HIV, sexually transmitted infections and hepatitis C.
HRP Roxanne helping participant

Core values

The Post-Overdose Support Team follows these values:

  • Meeting people where they are: We respect each person's journey and offer personalized support.
  • Dignity and respect: Everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
  • Compassion: We care about everyone we help. We seek to understand their experience and background.
  • Building relationships: We build trust and connections in our community.
  • Evidence-based practices: Our methods are based on proven strategies like harm reduction and medication assisted treatment.
  • Empowerment: We help individuals make informed decisions about their health.